Hello community,
I'm working on an assembly package and I'm currently using OData3 for some integrations. I noticed that the end-point "/0/ServiceModel/EntityDataService.svc/" is not exposing the methods of the custom entities. Do you have any ideas to solve this problem?
Let me know.
Thanks in advance,
Hello Luca,
I am not sure I understand you correctly. Can you please send an expected result and an actual result you receive?
Thank you!
Best regards,
Hi Oscar Dylan,
I have a visual studio C# project binded to OdataV3 endpoint ("/0/ServiceModel/EntityDataService.svc/") and I don't find the custom entities created by me.
Using the following URL: "http://localhost/0/odata/$metadata" (ODataV4) I can see the expected entities.
The problem is that if I try to generate ODataV4 client code using "Unchase OData Connected Service" add-On it returns this error when I use ODataV4 endpoint.
While if I use ODataV3 endpoint with "Unchase OData Connected Service" add-On everything runs fine but the custom entities are missing (first picture). Furthermore if I use ODataV3 in a simple package every custom entity endpoint is available.
Did I make myself clear?
Luca Tavasanis,
Yes, it's clear now, thank you!
The problem is that OData3 forms its metadata based on the default assembly and doesn't include separate assemblies (where your objects are located), while OData4 uses a separate special assembly (neither default nor the custom one). And that's why its impossible to get access objects in packages compiled in the separate assembly using OData 3.
Our core R&D team will review this logic in the future releases, meanwhile the only way to access the object is using OData 4 only.
Best regards,