add caption to new mask freedom UI
Hi Community someone knows if we have a method to add the caption to a mask like before?
This one seems not to be working with the new Mask on Freedom UI
MaskHelper.UpdateBodyMaskCaption(maskId, "Task Running...");
Hi Federico,
We have an example on how to trigger mask on the page in Freedom UI, but as for the caption - there is no particular example and it seems that for the default mask it's impossible to change the caption. To trigger the mask and replace it:
{ "request": "usr.CustomRequest", handler: async (request, next) => { await next?.handle(request); const maskService = new sdk.MaskService(); const taskName = 'TEST_TASK'; maskService.showBodyMask(taskName, request.$context); maskService.hideMask(taskName, request.$context); } },
If we look at the constructor we cannot find a place to input some caption there:
function Qn(t) { return function(e, n, r) { const o = function(...e) { return Yn.instance.process({ type: (null == t ? void 0 : t.requestType) ? t.requestType : this.requestType, method: (null == t ? void 0 : t.methodName) ? t.methodName : n, args: e }) }; r ? r.value = o : e[n] = o } }
I will ask our R&D team to implement this functionality in the future app releases and to make it possible to change the loading mask caption. Thank you for this idea and helping us in making the app better!
Oleg Drobina,
Thanks for the help. That would be a nice idea to have.