Actions in case to show in portal case

Hi Community,


Any idea how we can achieve below scenario:


1. We wanted to show below action in portal case.


2. Upon checking the codes, we found out that in PortalCaseSectionActionsDashboard those elements were removed.


3. We tried to create, replacing client module for PortalCaseSectionActionsDashboard and inserted back those removed elements. However it did'nt work.


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Hi Fulgen,


1) You need to add elements back to the diff using:

					"operation": "insert",
					"name": "CallMessageTab",
					"parentName": "Tabs",
					"propertyName": "tabs",
					"index": 1,
					"values": {
						"items": []
					"operation": "insert",
					"name": "EmailMessageTab",
					"parentName": "Tabs",
					"propertyName": "tabs",
					"index": 2,
					"values": {
						"items": []
					"operation": "insert",
					"name": "SocialMessageTab",
					"parentName": "Tabs",
					"propertyName": "tabs",
					"index": 3,
					"values": {
						"items": []

2) There are _getTabsVisibility, getExtraActionDashboadTabVisible and getEsnChannelVisible methods in the base SectionActionsDashboard module and they all contain the following check:

				 * @private
				_getTabsVisibility: function() {
					return !this.Terrasoft.isCurrentUserSsp();

Such methods should be also overridden and the logic of the check should be modified.


Best regards,


Oscar Dylan,


Thank you Oscar actions are now showing.

How about the dashboard tab? I tried to re insert it also on my replacing client module but still it is not visible. Any idea please? Thank you 

Fulgen Ninofranco,


There is the initTabs method in the BaseActionsDashboard that removes this tab from the portal in this part of code:

if (!this.get("UseDashboard")) {
					var dashboardTabName = this.get("DashboardTabName");

Even if adding this tab in the diff it won't be displayed in the page because of this method. This method logic should be overridden and also you should check if the localizable string for the caption is added to the PortalCaseSectionActionsDashboard.


Best regards,




Oscar Dylan,


Thank you Oscar, dashboard tab is now showing in Portal Case.


Do you have idea why default subject is not setting on Portal Case. I tried to debug the source code and breakpoint is not going to "setListenerEmailData" method in "EmailMessagePublisherPage.js". Any idea please? 



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