Hi Team,
There is a lookup field 'Owner' where I need to disable/remove hyperlink on Primary-Key field (Full Name).
I also tried "showValueAsLink": false", still not working.
1. Is it possible to change Lookup-configuration in schema-code?
2. Do we have permission to override default lookup modal behavior?
Platform: Creatio:energy (Freedom UI)
he parameter “showValueAsLink: false” works only for the lookup fields on the form pages.
As for the Lists, unfortunately, there is no such possibility so far.
However, our R&D team is already working on the feature that will allow disabling link generation for lookup columns of related objects, so it is expected to be implemented in future releases (no ETA yet).
Best regards,
he parameter “showValueAsLink: false” works only for the lookup fields on the form pages.
As for the Lists, unfortunately, there is no such possibility so far.
However, our R&D team is already working on the feature that will allow disabling link generation for lookup columns of related objects, so it is expected to be implemented in future releases (no ETA yet).
Best regards,
Yes, this is very much needed. Having the hyperlink is too confusing for users - most think they need to click the link to select, which just navigates away. Lookup dialogs shouldn’t have any links IMO since it’s purpose is to just select a record.
+1 for this request...in most of my projects, this has already become a running gag :(
You can do it using Global CSS.
Install the CSS/JS Addon https://marketplace.creatio.com/app/experceo-global-jscss-editor-creatio
Then use the CSS code below:
mat-dialog-container crt-link { pointer-events: none!important; cursor: default!important; }
You can improve the css selector as needed.
Hope this helps!
What values to be assigned to 'ExpGlobalJSValue' & 'ExpGlobalCSSValue' variables in system setting