Business process task - dedicated GUI

Hi all,


i'm new to creatio and i'm struggling a bit with business process task.

I would like to build a dashboard where the user can see all the business process task routed to his group, maybe groupped by case type.


I wasn't able to find a dedicated widget or section for those data, as far as i understand they are only visible in the communication panel but that solution works only if you have a small amount of tasks.


Is there a way to accomplish my use case without resorting to coding the desired page?


Thank you

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Business process tasks are stored in the SysProcessElementToDo table. However, using this table alone, you won’t be able to directly link it with other entities, as no other entities reference it directly.

Additionally, tasks are stored as activities that reference a SysProcessElementToDo record in the ProcessElementId column. However, this column is a GUID, not a lookup field, meaning you cannot build a reverse relationship filter in the system.

To create a metric, you can refer to the Activity object, grouping records by case category or any other relevant grouping.

Then apply a filter to display only activities where the "Process Item" (ProcessElementToDo) column is populated which mean that current Activity - is a business-process task.

However, it's important to note that clearing business process log tables could disrupt this type of chart logic.

As an alternative approach, you can assign a unique naming convention to your tasks, such as "[TASK] - task subject", and filter activities not by Process Item, but by name:
Title starting with "[TASK] - %", ensuring they include a recognizable pattern.

Example configuration for such a chart:

Additionally, understanding the logic of how tasks are stored in the database, you can use development methods to create a custom database view and configure analytics based on it.

I hope this helps!


Business process tasks are stored in the SysProcessElementToDo table. However, using this table alone, you won’t be able to directly link it with other entities, as no other entities reference it directly.

Additionally, tasks are stored as activities that reference a SysProcessElementToDo record in the ProcessElementId column. However, this column is a GUID, not a lookup field, meaning you cannot build a reverse relationship filter in the system.

To create a metric, you can refer to the Activity object, grouping records by case category or any other relevant grouping.

Then apply a filter to display only activities where the "Process Item" (ProcessElementToDo) column is populated which mean that current Activity - is a business-process task.

However, it's important to note that clearing business process log tables could disrupt this type of chart logic.

As an alternative approach, you can assign a unique naming convention to your tasks, such as "[TASK] - task subject", and filter activities not by Process Item, but by name:
Title starting with "[TASK] - %", ensuring they include a recognizable pattern.

Example configuration for such a chart:

Additionally, understanding the logic of how tasks are stored in the database, you can use development methods to create a custom database view and configure analytics based on it.

I hope this helps!

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