I have a minipage that has lookup (contact) and whenever I try to add a new non-existing it suggests it as "New ContactName" which is nice, but when I click that, it opens the contact minipage and closes the original minipage and doesn't re-open the original minipage after I closed the contact minipage upon saving.
Do you have any idea of a better approach than making a custom modal?
I found this code segment in LookupQuickAddMixin and I want to know where can I change the value of UseSilentCreation?
/** * Checks that entity has mini page add mode allowed. * @private * @param {String} entitySchemaName Name of the entity. * @param {Array} [additionalDefaultValues] Additional default values. * @return {Boolean} True, if feature UseSilentCreation is turned off, and entity has add mini page. */ _needOpenMiniPage: function(entitySchemaName, additionalDefaultValues) { const entityStructure = this.getEntityStructure(entitySchemaName); if (!entityStructure) { return false; } const notUseSilentCreation = !Terrasoft.Features.getIsEnabled("UseSilentCreation"); const editPages = entityStructure.pages; const typeLookupItem = additionalDefaultValues?.find((item) => item.attributeName === "TypeLookup"); let page; if (typeLookupItem) { page = editPages.find((page) => page.UId === typeLookupItem.value); } page = page || Terrasoft.first(editPages); const hasAddMiniPage = page?.hasAddMiniPage; return notUseSilentCreation && Boolean(hasAddMiniPage); }, /** * Open page or mini page for new entity record. * @protected * @param {Object} newEntityConfig Entity config. * @param {Object} newEntityConfig.entitySchema Entity schema. * @param {String} newEntityConfig.entitySchemaName Entity schema name. * @param {String} newEntityConfig.columnName Column name. * @param {String} newEntityConfig.displayColumnValue Display column value. * @param {String} newEntityConfig.valuePairsFromFilters Default values that were sent from filters. * @param {Array} newEntityConfig.additionalDefaultValues Additional default values. * @param {Object} viewModel View model context. */ openPageForNewEntity: function(newEntityConfig, viewModel) { var cardConfig = this._getNewEntityPageConfig(newEntityConfig); this._subscribeNewEntityCardModuleResponse(newEntityConfig.attributeName ?? newEntityConfig.columnName, cardConfig, viewModel); if (this._needOpenMiniPage(cardConfig.entitySchemaName, newEntityConfig.additionalDefaultValues)) { this.openAddMiniPage.call(this, cardConfig); } else { this._networkUtils.openCardInChain(cardConfig); } this.set && !newEntityConfig.attributeName && this.set(newEntityConfig.columnName, null); },
It seems that this was already customized since OOB does not allow adding new records to the lookup inside the mini page.
As for the UseSilentCreation - it's a system feature with the UseSilentCreation code according to the code in the very same LookupQuickAddMixin
Go to
/0/Nui/ViewModule.aspx#Section/AppFeature_ListPage - for old UI
/0/Shell/#Section/AppFeature_ListPage - Freedom UI
find the UseSilentCreation feature (if the record is not present there - create it and enable it for all employees role) and relogin to the app.