I’m trying to hide fields in Freedom UI conditionally, but it seems this can only be done with code. Unfortunately, the online resources available did not help me that much. Any guidance would be greatly appreciated!
Dear Prachi, you have the option to hide/show in field property, see image
Then with business rules you enable to see or to hide the field as you need
Hi Julio,
Thank you for your response. But then this is not triggered by condition, right?
I'm not sure what your question is. You have business rules to hide or show fields, tabs, groups, etc.
In Freedom UI. I did not see an option to do that by using business rules.
Prachi Bhelkar,
You have access tu BR in this icon
There you must add a Page Bussiness rule, like you can see in the image
Prachi Bhelkar,
You are viewing the business rules on the object. You need to view the business rules on the page. Open the page for editing, then click the icon shown my Julio to view the page level rules (showing a hiding are page level rules, not object level rules - in the object you can only set object level rules)