Hello. I need to create a QuickFilter on a Freedom UI Page whose value will change dynamically. I found a post https://customerfx.com/article/using-custom-attributes-on-a-creatio-fre… so I try to use the attribute but it does not work. Could you help me please?
{ "filterType": 1, "comparisonType": 3, "isEnabled": true, "trimDateTimeParameterToDate": false, "leftExpression": { "expressionType": 0, "columnPath": "MyColumn" }, "isAggregative": false, "dataValueType": 1, "rightExpression": { "expressionType": 2, "parameter": { "dataValueType": 1, "value": "$MyAttribute" } } }
16:11 Oct 22, 2024
It seems that the attributes will not work properly with the filter, as an alternative I can suggest applying the full filter in a handler where you can change it as you want, for example:
handlers: /**SCHEMA_HANDLERS*/[ { request: "crt.HandleViewModelAttributeChangeRequest", handler: async (request, next) => { const result = await next?.handle(request); request.$context.DataGrid_7cyakqc_PredefinedFilter={"items": { "1893734f-7c93-40a5-9592-8e7231005e10": { "filterType": 1, "comparisonType": 7, "isEnabled": true, "trimDateTimeParameterToDate": false, "leftExpression": { "expressionType": 0, "columnPath": "Age" }, "isAggregative": false, "dataValueType": 4, "rightExpression": { "expressionType": 2, "parameter": { "dataValueType": 4, "value": 20 } } } }, "logicalOperation": 0, "isEnabled": true, "filterType": 6, "rootSchemaName": "Contact"}; return result; } } ]
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