How to configure field validation so that a user cannot enter a number smaller than the value in another field on the page?

"PDS_UsrActualFuelRemaining_s06444m": {
                        "modelConfig": {
                            "path": "PDS.UsrActualFuelRemaining"
                        "validators": {
                            "MyNumberValidator": {
                                "type": "usr.MonthNumberValidator",
                                "params": {
                                    "minValue": "0",
                                    "message": "Допустимі значення від 0 до 500",
                                    "maxValue": "500"


If I specify a range, the validator works. But when I try to use <strong>var OldWorkHour = await request.$context.PDS_UsrWorkHours_sjx2srh;</strong>, I get an error.

Could you please help me figure out why this happens and how to fix it?


 "usr.MonthNumberValidator": {
   validator: function(config) {
       return function(control) {
           var controlValue = control.value !== undefined ? parseFloat(control.value) : null; 
           var minValue = config.minValue !== undefined ? parseFloat(config.minValue) : Number.MIN_SAFE_INTEGER; 
           var maxValue = config.maxValue !== undefined ? parseFloat(config.maxValue) : Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER; 
            var OldWorkHour = await request.$context.PDS_UsrWorkHours_sjx2srh;
           var isValueValid = controlValue >= minValue && controlValue <= maxValue;
           if (!isValueValid) {
               return {
                   "invalid": { 
                       message: config.message || "Введене значення не відповідає умовам"
           // Якщо все добре, повертаємо null (успішна валідація)
           return null;
   params: [
           name: "minValue"
           name: "maxValue"
           name: "message"
   async: false
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