Add custom dart.file page into Creatio Mobile

Hello, I recently started working with Creatio Mobile. I have downloaded the files and was able to create the Creatio APK through the SDKConsole utility. I have a question: how can I add a page within the application? I see that most of the app is based on WebView. My goal is to import a library from (in my case, call_log) and implement it to display the data on a page within this app.

If anyone could help me, I would be very grateful. Thank you.

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In the mobile application there is an abillity to open custom JS pages using the handler logic, an example of such handler:

const openCustomPageRequest: OpenCustomWebViewPageRequest = {
   type: 'crt.OpenCustomWebViewPageRequest',
   $context: request.$context,
   controllerName: 'Terrasoft.controller.MobileSyncLogPage',
   viewXClass: 'Terrasoft.view.MobileSyncLogPage',
   parameters: {
       "customParam": 1

controllerName - class name of JS controller 
viewXClass - class name of JS view 
parameters - additional parameters of custom page. To get the parameter call this method inside the controller this.getPageHistoryItem().getRawConfig().customParam

This handler should be added via the remote module (see this article) and using the @creatio/mobile-common library enabling the feature EnableMobileSDK in the Features page.

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