How to bind data for column permission in package


Do you know how to bind data for column permission in package? I have to bind the highlighted records in package. 


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SQL scripts can be utilized to implement the transfer of organizational structure settings and access rights from one environment to another. To do this, insert queries need to be generated on the reference environment based on records from the following tables:

  • SysAdminUnit (Administration object: users and roles)
  • SysUserInRole (Direct user role assignments)
  • SysFuncRoleInOrgRole (Functional role assignments to organizational roles)
  • SysAdminOperation (System operations, if necessary)
  • SysAdminOperationGrantee (Access to system operations, if necessary)
  • SysEntitySchemaOperationRight (Access to objects)
  • SysEntitySchemaRecordDefRight (Access to default records)
  • SysEntitySchemaColumnRight (Access to object columns)
  • SysAdminUnitGrantedRight (Delegation)
  • SysWorkplace – (User workplace)
  • SysAdminUnitInWorkplace – (Users in the workplace)
  • SysModuleInWorkplace – (Module in the workplace)

You can use Microsoft SQL Server Database Publishing Wizard or similar tools to generate queries. The resulting SQL script should be attached to the package. If the transfer is happening to a production environment, we recommend making a backup of the data beforehand and primarily deploying the package to a test environment to verify the script execution results. These tasks should be performed outside of business hours.


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