LicHelper not initialized

When you launch Creatio 8.1 for the first time after authorization, it gives you the error "LicHelper not initialized". Help me please

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Please restart the site and flush Redis, then the error should disappear.

But still, if the error remains, run this script.

Execute in the database: 

delete from "SysLicUser";

delete from "SysLic";

delete from "SysLicPackage".


Then please relicense your instance.

Mariia Sorochan, 

Thanks for the answer. But now error :

HTTP Error 404.0 - Not Found

The resource you are looking for has been removed, its name has been changed, or it is temporarily unavailable.

I'm sorry. I understand

Mariia Sorochan, 

I am facing the same issue can you please help I did everything you said.

Syed Ali Hassan Shah,

I haven't solved the problem on the local machine, I'm installing Creatio on Linux

Same issue, fixed by restarting the site and flush Redis.

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