Business process tasks notificaction not showing

Hi community, im currently working on creatio 8.09 and not long i go noticed that as a user with the System Administrator Role i could see all of the Business Process Tasks that has my user as owner in my notification feed but as soon as i remove said role the notification feed wont show any of the tasks assigned to the user.

With System Administrator Role:

Without System Adiminstraror Role

Any idea on how to solve  this issue?


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The problem is most likely caused by the fact that Operations permissions are enabled in the SysProcessElementToDo object, but there's no specified role that receives access rights.

Try to add the role All employees to resolve the issue.


Check that the operation permissions for the SysProcessElementToDo object are disabled.



The problem is most likely caused by the fact that Operations permissions are enabled in the SysProcessElementToDo object, but there's no specified role that receives access rights.

Try to add the role All employees to resolve the issue.

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