Is there a possibility in Freedom UI to have number comparisons directly in the same dashboard metric tile with increasing/decreasing indicators & colors ?
Dummy example here below with YoY indicators (+ with color coding):
Unfortunately, it is not possible to do it by means of basic functionality.
We have registered an idea and forwarded it to our R&D team for further review.
Best regards,
I had asked this question last year as Creatio has been using visuals of this functionality in their marketing since at least Q2 last year.
I was told we would start to see this in 8.0.6 but my guess would be, according to the latest roadmap I have seen, is that this will be 8.1 -8.2 releases.
I feel the analytics OOTB functionality is lagging drastically behind other platforms. I am very much also hoping there is some OOTB reporting functionality that is going to be added as users really struggle with the UI from the excel add-on.
I should add that I am impressed by the latest features, so I am sure we will get there eventually.
thanks for you additional comments and very informative screenshot :)
Indeed, analytics & forecast is far behind what competitors (major and smaller) are capable of doing on the market. (Eg: simple changing numbers appeareance from 300,000.00 to 300K or 0.3M; adding a currency $ or CHF, or USD directly on the graph etc, have been around for more than a decade, and are not enhanced missing functionalities such filtering lists based on charts selection vs just a field or lookup (without bringing to a new list page), adding a fixed "objective" line, or the one mentioned here above -- ). Feels more like OOTB analytics is playing a rather slow and late catchup...
From the detailed roadmap, wondering what will actually be available as "official release" on planned quarters vs beta releases😉.
Also impressed with the potential of the new crt packages. Hopefully, a steady rythm of new functionality releases will pick up the pace again after 8.1 release "brings out of beta" Freedom UI and composability.