Use Order Date to generate Invoice

Hi Everyone,


We have 2 different types of rates for Customers. One is when the Order date is within Weekdays (Monday-Friday) and the other is for Weekends (Sat-Sun). We have an Order date/time field in our orders. Now is it possible to write a formula that finds out that using that date/time field to determine if the day is Weekday, then it uses the Weekday rate in the business process otherwise it uses the weekend rate?


I am looking into DayOfWeek() function but am unsure how to use it in the process. Also, this page is created in Freedom UI if that makes any difference. Thanks in advance!

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Any help with writing this Formula? I need to write a formula that differentiates my Order Pickup time (Date/Time field) from Weekdays and weekends

Hi Hassan, 

You need to use the DayOfWeek property of the DayTime class in the formula. 


Create a new boolean parameter called IsWeekday 

Create a new formula element in your business process and populate it with the following : 

"YourDateTimeField".DayOfWeek > 0 && <=5 


Then, based on the value of your IsWeekday parameter you can proceed with calculating the rate for the order. 


Best regards,


Yurii Sokil,

Thank you, Understood


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