Change object process


How can we change (remove/disable) some parts of object process?

We need to generate Invoice number in another way (and don't want increment system settings when invoice is just created). But this process is defined in Invoice package.

Do we have any options to change this logic?

Kind regards,


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Good day,


Could you elaborate on what exactly you are having trouble with?

You should be able to just delete the unneeded elements by clicking on them and pressing the trashbin icon.


Thank you.

Unfortunately, I cannot delete unneeded elements from base packages. This is out-of-box feature that I want to overwrite



Thank you for the explanation.

In that case, you could create a copy (a replacement object or just an export copy) of the Invoices and put it into your own custom package.


This will allow you to alter its behavior.

Here are some of the articles on the matter:…


Thank you.


But if I make replacement object, it inherites all the process from base packages.

And if I create new object, I need to make all logics from scratch.

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