Scroll bar


Is there any possibility to enable or to create a scroll bar that goes horizontally in a detail?

Thank you!

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Dear Ivan,

Thanks for reaching out. 

Such functionality was added in the 8.0.3 Creatio release. More information about it can be found by the link here.

Please let us know if any additional questions arise!

Best regards,


Anastasiia Marushenko,

sorry, but we are currently not working on 8.0.3. We use May I have the code for implementing it in our version please? And where should I write it.

Thank you,


Ivan Rares Marian,

Can you please provide us with a screenshot of such detail, where the scrollbar should have appeared but it didn't? The horizontal scrollbar should appear in details by default if you add a lot of columns that don't fit on the screen all at the same time. Also, please specify if this is about Freedom UI or if you are referring to details created in Section Wizard.

We would like to have it here, in the products detail. We would like to be able to scroll horizontally because we want to see the whole name of the fields.

Best regards, 

Ivan Rareș

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