Open Section record on clicking a detail record

Hi Team ,


I'm looking for a solution for a scenario where a user double clicks on the record of a detail with column setup as list view, the record of the connected section should open instead of that detail record page.


Please help me achieve this.


Many Thanks,



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Hi Sarika,

To do this would would add some code to the detail to change what happens when the row is double clicked. First, add the NetworkUtilities to the modules list at the top of the detail schema, something like this:

define("UsrMyDetail", ["NetworkUtilities"], function(NetworkUtilities) {

Something like this:

editRecord: function(primaryColumnValue) {
    var row = this.getActiveRow(),
        entity = row.get("UsrMyEntityColumn");
    if (Ext.isEmpty(entity)) {
    var hash = NetworkUtilities.getEntityUrl("UsrMyEntityName", entity.value);
    this.sandbox.publish("PushHistoryState", {hash: hash});    


Hi Sarika,

To do this would would add some code to the detail to change what happens when the row is double clicked. First, add the NetworkUtilities to the modules list at the top of the detail schema, something like this:

define("UsrMyDetail", ["NetworkUtilities"], function(NetworkUtilities) {

Something like this:

editRecord: function(primaryColumnValue) {
    var row = this.getActiveRow(),
        entity = row.get("UsrMyEntityColumn");
    if (Ext.isEmpty(entity)) {
    var hash = NetworkUtilities.getEntityUrl("UsrMyEntityName", entity.value);
    this.sandbox.publish("PushHistoryState", {hash: hash});    


Hi Ryan,


Thanks for the solution, I tried the below given code and it is working as expected. 



Best Regards,







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