Contact section wizard Edit page button is not visible & Unable to save any field in Contact section wizard

Dear Community,


We are facing one technical issue in Contact Section that is Edit Page Button is not appear in Contact Section, Instead of Edit Page button a blank empty space is appears as shown below image.

In Console we find the below errors:-

We deleted some custom created Contact pages in configuration, Due to this error we are unable to save any field in Contact section wizard.


Can you please suggest how to resolve this issue.

Thanks in Advance.




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Hi Mansoor, 

The error occurs when the page that is referenced in SysModuleEdit (the table used by Section Wizard) does not exist. (for example, it was deleted from the configuration).

Please run this query in your database: 

Delete from "SysModuleEdit" WHERE "CardSchemaUId" = '<schemaUid>'; 


<schemaUId> = the Id from the error message 

Also, we generally recommend to only delete unused pages using the Section Wizard. 

Best regards,


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