Hi Community,
Is there any functionality to set up custom fiscal (financial) year?
For example, default year start on January 1st, but we want to change the start date of a calendar to match our fiscal year which is April 1st.
+1 on this idea , including custom ficsal quarters, maybe to set at system level ?
quite disappointing, being a OOTB functionnality in a couple other major CRMs ... hope you change your mind in further updates!
We have the same issue at my company: We need to review fiscal quarters, not calendar quarters. It is a management nightmare to change hundreds of widgets on multiple dashboards to custom dates, 4 times a year!
Have the product dev team revisited this feature? This is a very useful and widely wanted feature.
rob dobbs,
Unfortunately, we do not have the opportunity to customize those filters because the realization of this functionality is in the core code base.
The new behavior will be implemented in future releases with 8.x new filters.
As a workaround, I suggest adding a column in which you will set or calculate the fiscal quarter by business process and another column for the fiscal year and filter based on these columns. However, it is a complicated solution and requires adding those columns to every object that needs this filtration.
is there any update on this feature ? It has been requested by a couple clients.
Damien Collot,
This idea has been accepted by the R&D team, but unfortunately there are no details that we could share about the plans on its implementation so far.