I would like to get all the accounts that hadn't got an email titled "Hey we missed you...".
For instance, this contact has got the email:
But I haven't got a clue where the Emails are stored. I try a filter:
The Response object seems useless - there's no Subject field. Email message object too:
Could someone advise?
Hello Yuriy,
For example, in my system I have only one account with the following email:
In order to filter all the accounts that received such email there is a need for below filter:
And in order to filter all the accounts that hadn’t receive this email (including those that have no email at all) please refer to the below filter:
Best regards,
Anastasiia Zhuravel,
Thank you. Could you explain to me why this is not working?
The contact has got the emails, yet he's not filtered:
Yuriy Konstantinov,
Try to set the filter the following way:
[Subject contains %hey%missed%you%] or any other appropriate key words.
Best regards,
Anastasiia Zhuravel,
it's the same. I tried:
It doesn't help.