Hi Community,
I have built a Business Process that Triggers on "Record Added" for a Section.
My goal is that when I Create a Record in the section with OData using the "POST method", That custom business process should be triggered by System. But It is not getting triggered.
When I tried to create a new record from the system itself ( instead of OData ), the process got triggered.
Can someone guide me on this? Is there any System Setting or specific configurations needed to be done?
I am using a cloud instance of
Hi Pratik,
This is the know issue of the version.
Our R&D team is working on this to be fixed in the future releases.
There's a workaround to this issue. To implement it please create following request to support team (since your instance is cloud) :
1) set "false" to following keys in Terrasoft.WebApp\web.config
<add key="Feature-UseSeparatedOdataEntitiesDll" value="false" />
<add key="Feature-ODataEntitiesCompilationInSeparatedDll" value="false" />
if such keys don't exist, they can be added to the block <appSettings>;
2) Generate source code for all schemas and compile all.
Please note, that this fix is only applicable for 7.18.1. Please remove this tags from web.config when updating to newer versions of the application, as it will cause the Odata functionality to not work.
You can also refer to this community post in your support request.
Best regards,
Hi Pratik,
This is the know issue of the version.
Our R&D team is working on this to be fixed in the future releases.
There's a workaround to this issue. To implement it please create following request to support team (since your instance is cloud) :
1) set "false" to following keys in Terrasoft.WebApp\web.config
<add key="Feature-UseSeparatedOdataEntitiesDll" value="false" />
<add key="Feature-ODataEntitiesCompilationInSeparatedDll" value="false" />
if such keys don't exist, they can be added to the block <appSettings>;
2) Generate source code for all schemas and compile all.
Please note, that this fix is only applicable for 7.18.1. Please remove this tags from web.config when updating to newer versions of the application, as it will cause the Odata functionality to not work.
You can also refer to this community post in your support request.
Best regards,
I have the same issue as Patrik, but I am using version Could you please suggest a solution?
P.S. This logic worked for me before the upgrade.
Aurora Leka,
If you are expecting such an issue using version using version Please take the next steps:
- 1. Ensure that the update was successful (double-check Update extended logs).
- 2. Run full schema generation and compilation process.
If those recommendations do not help you to solve the issue please contact support@creatio.com with information about this issue.