QuickFilter - DateRange in Details

Hi All,

I have used the quickFilterModule in one of the detail. I am able to see the filter on opening of the page.

When I switch between Tabs in the EditPage and again come back to this detail, I am not able to see the filter. But the data been get filtered as per the current week by default.

I have called this filter both in init as well as onRender functions. I have debuged it, on switching between tabs, Onrender is been called which calls the quickfilterconfig. But still its not coming up in UI. 

I am not able to figure out the root cause for it.

And also, by default it's taking the date range for the current week - How to remove the default date set?

Can anyone help me out with this issue ?


Adharsh S

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You have this logic being implemented in the defValue for startDate and dueDate. These are:


defValue: this.Terrasoft.startOfWeek(new Date())

defValue: this.Terrasoft.endOfWeek(new Date())


You can remove defValues and the filter will empty itself when browsing between tabs.


Best regards,


Hi Adharsh,


To fix this behavior fast you can add this line to the init function after this.callParent(arguments);


I've noticed that in case there is an original filter initialized it won't let a custom filter to disappear from the page when browsing between tabs. As a result you will achieve the result desired.


Best regards,


Thanks, Oscar Dylan

Regards Adharsh

Hi Oscar,

Also, the custom filter always defaults to the current week. But there is no such condition given explicitly as show the current week. Even though if we remove the filter and again when we switch to that Tab or reloads the page that current week filter been setup automatically. How can we remove the default filter and set it to an empty value?






You have this logic being implemented in the defValue for startDate and dueDate. These are:


defValue: this.Terrasoft.startOfWeek(new Date())

defValue: this.Terrasoft.endOfWeek(new Date())


You can remove defValues and the filter will empty itself when browsing between tabs.


Best regards,


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