Item with key "36a5e596-18b5-49c6-b2f4-04def90b555c" Already exists

Getting the below error while opening a section wizard.

Uncaught Terrasoft.ItemAlreadyExistsException: Item with key "36a5e596-18b5-49c6-b2f4-04def90b555c" Already exists.


If anywhere you overcome this issue, please let me know how to fix this.


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Dear Akshaya, 

This issue can happen when you are trying to save or update something and there are some records in the system that already exists with the same Id, or when you have inserted some duplicated values in the table to which network request is referring, 

We would recommend you to check tables related to the System Wizard (SysModule, SysSchema and SysSchemaEdit) and try to find record with the Id or UId from the error description in order to find what to do next. 

Either you can contact us via so we will check it from our side. 

Kind regards,


Dear Akshaya, 

This issue can happen when you are trying to save or update something and there are some records in the system that already exists with the same Id, or when you have inserted some duplicated values in the table to which network request is referring, 

We would recommend you to check tables related to the System Wizard (SysModule, SysSchema and SysSchemaEdit) and try to find record with the Id or UId from the error description in order to find what to do next. 

Either you can contact us via so we will check it from our side. 

Kind regards,


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