Is there a way to remove 15 mins , 30 mins and 45 mins time slots from the time drop down?
08:46 Nov 07, 2020
Hi Team,
Is there a way to populate only time values such as 11 AM , 12 PM ,etc and not show 11.15 AM, 11.30 AM, 11.45 AM in the time drop down
18:07 Nov 07, 2020
There's likely other (better) ways to do this, but a quick hack would be to add CSS to BootstrapModulesV2 with the following:
div[data-item-marker$="TimeEdit"] li[data-item-marker*=":15"], div[data-item-marker$="TimeEdit"] li[data-item-marker*=":30"], div[data-item-marker$="TimeEdit"] li[data-item-marker*=":45"] { display: none; }
That would give you this result:
For info on how to add the CSS, refer to…
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