Hello Community,
I have a use case where when a user uploads a contact profile photo, I need to perform specific validations - Eg Check the bit depth & file format of the image. If the bit depth or the format doesn't match, I need to reject the image and show a message to the user. These validations are complicated and sometimes not possible on the client side using JS.
I am aware that Contact profile photo gets uploaded via the out-of-the-box ImageAPIService. How do I customize or extend the service to add my own validations on the server side?
Hello Shrikanth,
Unfortunately, we do not have the exact example of your business task realization. However, we recommend that you take a look at the following Community post where a similar task and ways of its implementation are described: https://community.creatio.com/questions/attachement
Please, let us know in case any further information is required.
Best regards,