
Convert Prices on Section Page and Dashboard based on user's currency

Hi Community,


We have this requirement, on user's contact information, we have added one field which is currency. Once user will login in crm, user should see product prices on product section and product dashboard based on the specified currency. How we can achieve this?


Product Section


Product Dashboard

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Hello Fulgen,


Our R&D team has a task to implement personal currencies or group currencies (currencies that will be displayed for a user role), but currently, there is no way to do that using out-of-the-box logic and it won't be easily possible using additional development. But I will inform our R&D team that you have such a requirement so to speed up solution of this problem-task registered on their side.


Best regards,


Hi Oscar,


We are facing the same issue with a client that is working on multiple countries/currencies. Do you have an ETA for the feature of personal currencies or group currencies?




Just to log it and help prioritise this implementation, I have the same requirement from my current customer.

Hello Artur and Luis,


I had a talk with the product owner and currently there is no ETA for this implementation since they need to review the logic that is stored in the application core completely. Also I let him know that the functionality requested is important and asked him to prioritize the problem for the R&D team responsible for currencies functionality implementation.


Thank you all for your involvement in this problem!


Best regards,


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