Hello All!
I am trying to determine where to customize the Quick Add functionality to create a related Activity. I have attached a few screenshots to illustrate what I am talking about. In the Activities section, when you are on a specific Activity, there is a button with a flag and plus symbol. When you click this to add a related Activity, whether it is a Task, Call, or Email, the Result Details are copied to the new Activity and set as the Title/Subject on that new Activity. We are trying to change which field is copied to the Title/Subject, but I have been unable to determine where and/or how this value is being copied over to the new Activity.
Can anyone please point me in the right direction of where I need to look to customize this functionality?
Thank you!
The default values for a newly created related Activity are set in the defQuickAddActivityValuePairs method in the QuickAddMixin schema (https://prnt.sc/r3k57j). Please feel free to override this method in the replacing client module for ActivityPageV2 in order to modify the functionality.
There is an example below:
define("ActivityPageV2", [], function() {
return {
entitySchemaName: "Activity",
attributes: {},
methods: {
defQuickAddActivityValuePairs: function() {
var valuePairs = this.callParent(arguments);
var newValuePairs = valuePairs.filter(item => item.name !== "Title");
name: "Title",
value: "My new value"
return newValuePairs;
diff: /**SCHEMA_DIFF*/[