Is there any way for creating a PDF from a printable? I need something to perform the function since it was pulled from the out of the box features for bpm'onine. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Hello Kevin,
Starting from 7.14.2 version the functionality of PDF-convertation was excluded from an out-of-the-box features list. All clients that are updating between versions and already use such a feature in their printables have this feature being available.
Currently our R&D team is working on implementation of this feature in an out-of-the-box version and we hope that it will return back very soon. We are very sorry for any inconveniences caused.
Best regards,
Unfortuantely there is no update regarding PDF-convertation in Word Printables, but the functionality of PDF-convertation is available in Fast Reports new feature added in 7.15.3 version. You can read more about it here.
Best regards,
Hi Oscar,
Please add this feature quickly.
We have new projects and we can't explain how sucha a basic functionality is not availabe.
And to develop Fast Reports is not the same as a simple Printable.
This was a handy feature. Fast Reports are not easy to build.
I agree. There is nothing FAST about Fast Reports.
Any feedback on this Oscar:
"Currently our R&D team is working on implementation of this feature in an out-of-the-box version and we hope that it will return back very soon. We are very sorry for any inconveniences caused."?
Hi Team,
Is there any update in the latest version 7.18.1, still we don't have the option to "Convert to PDF" OOB in the printable section. Is there any alternative other than using Fast Reports?
I would like to know if there is a way to force the convertion to PDF in the last versions
Hi Creatio,
2 years into this request, any news regarding this point?
I (and many others in this thread, it seems to be the most popular request in the community) are waiting for a long time for this.
Fast Reports is really a lot of work to setup and to maintain/ introduce minor changes.
Hopefully it is one of the surprise features of the freedom release.
Hi Team,
Creation has moved to freedom version and still we don't have the option to "Convert to PDF" OOB in the printable section. Is there any alternative other than using Fast Reports? And the previous "Save Printable" business process element also doesn't seem to work for the latest version and document saves as Word doc. ?
How do we use protected word files in this case?
Can you please describe the steps in detail?
How to use it in Creatio printables?
Hi Team,
We keep struggling with our customer for an option to convert printables to PDF. Will it ever be possible, as it was in the past?
Hello, some news regarding to generate PDF reports in Creatio, from 2019 we are waiting to can create pdf reports again, some news is this
on the R&D backlog?
This functionality is implemented in one of the apps in the Creatio Marketplace: Aspose.PDF connector for Creatio
Serhii Parfentiev,
Not usefull, before 2019 is was available free, aspose connector requires pay a license/service :-(
Creatio proimise here it was working on it to get it available again, see the comment of @Oleg Drobinaon oct 2019 in this post: "
Hello Kevin,
Starting from 7.14.2 version the functionality of PDF-convertation was excluded from an out-of-the-box features list. All clients that are updating between versions and already use such a feature in their printables have this feature being available.
Currently our R&D team is working on implementation of this feature in an out-of-the-box version and we hope that it will return back very soon. We are very sorry for any inconveniences caused.
Best regards,"
Serhii Parfentiev,
This answer is not acceptable. It's not a nice to have. Is something every small app contains. As Creatio use too... come on... 5 years???
Yep, time to get this back, and soon.
PDF exports + also the ability to schedule emails reports with attached excel & pdf (not Word), in an easy way for end users (not with business process, which is already advanced for most business users) , helps are clients to respond to their management's requests.
Today these features that exist in most of the other tools are inexistent as OOTB features (not an addon or with code) .... which should nowadays be a hygiene factor.