BPM Mobile

How to display data on the BPM Mobile without filter in early?

So, when i opening the app it's directly showing data.



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Dear Ahmad,

Starting from the version 7.14.0 you can see only recently opened records in the sections. That is why you cannot see them at once when opening the section for the first time. After surfing through the section and opening the records, they will start populating the section once you enter it later. If you want to disable this functionality, you need to add this part of the code to the MobileApplicationManifestDefaultWorkplace schema

"Models": {

      "Case": {


              { "Disable": true



Best regards,



Dean Parrett,

I'm already add this code on the schema, but nothing different and still not showing data.

Dear Ahamd,

I'm so sorry I did not clarify

In this part of the code http://prntscr.com/pctsw6 I've disabled the caching functionality for Cases section. Please make sure to do it for your Passenger section. Also, make sure the system setting 'Mobile application section list whose data is displayed through search results only' does not include the section as well. To make sure it works properly you can set the default value for it as '0' https://prnt.sc/oao1tn

Best regards,


Dean Parrett

Thank you dean!! work like a charm!

Dear Dean,

It is possible to disable feature "Recently Viewed" on BPM Mobile ? 

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