The list of orders is not displayed correctly in the mobile app. How should I set up the application to sort the orders by registration date (the latest added order should be at the top)?
To sort by a specific column, you need to implement additional logic in the mobile app manifest. For example:
Terrasoft.sdk.GridPage.setOrderByColumns("Order", { column: "CreatedOn", orderType: Terrasoft.OrderTypes.DESC });
This happens because there was no default sorting mechanism in this mobile application section. Below is an example:
- Add the “UsrTestOrderMobile” object with the required columns
- Register the detail in the detail wizard
- Add detail in the mobile application wizard
- Configure the sorting mechanism. Create a new custom schema, e.g., “UsrMobileUsrTestOrderMobileModuleConfig” with the following code:
Terrasoft.sdk.GridPage.setOrderByColumns("UsrTestOrderMobile", { column: "UsrName", orderType: Terrasoft.OrderTypes.DESC });
- Save changes
- Connect it to the manifest in the “Models” section of the required “PagesExtensions” detail object
- clear the cache and re-synchronize (to get the most recent settings)
- make sure all the necessary columns are synchronized in the import settings (ModelDataImportConfig)
- make sure there was a primary column (which is used for sorting) for display in an object or at the code level (below is an example):
Terrasoft.sdk.GridPage.setPrimaryColumn("UsrTestOrderMobile", "UsrName"); Terrasoft.sdk.RecordPage.addColumn("UsrTestOrderMobile", { name: "UsrName", position: 1 }, "primaryColumnSet");