Dynamic layout

Is it possible to change controls' layout dynamically? Also: is it possible to add controls dynamically?

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Dear Carlos,

Could you please let us know more details on your question? What goal do you want to achieve? Thank you so much beforehand.

Looking forward to your clarification.



I have two fields: object type chosen from a lookup (A) and object type written manually by some user in a text field (B). There should be only one of the fields A and B filled up at one time and I only want to show the one currently filled up. What I tried to do, is this layout and setting the visible property conditionally:

| A | some other field |
| B |

What I tried to achieve is:

| A | some other field | 
| B | some other field |

What I got:

| A | some other field | 
| some other field |
| B |


Dear Carlos,

Thank you for the reply. 

You can achieve this result by creating 2 business rules. Here is the example: On the Account page you have two fields 'Also known as' and 'Code' https://prnt.sc/lnngw2. You can create two business rules, the conditions are as follows: https://prnt.sc/lnnixz and https://prnt.sc/lnnjrt

Thus, you create to conditions that say - 'if one field is filled it, another one is not visible'. The results are in the pictures: http://prntscr.com/lnnm7t and http://prntscr.com/lnnkp4

Hope this solution will help you out.

Best regards,


Dean Parrett,

The problem is not to hide the fields. The problem is that when I hide the field A some other field on the right takes its place. I would like the field B to take place of A.

Carlos Zaldivar Batista,

If only one of the two fields will be displayed at a time, you can edit the page to have both controls occupy the same space (have the same row & column values). Technically, both controls will be in the exact same spot with only one showing at a time.


Dear Carlos,

Yoг can also check the following post, it might help you to implement your task: https://community.bpmonline.com/questions/alignment

Ryan Farley,

Thank you, this seems to work. The bad part is that if I save the page using the designer the row and column settings return to the previous state. I'll have to remember to set them up again every time I use it.

Carlos Zaldivar Batista,

That is good to know, I wasn't aware the designer changed that back. I'll have to watch out for that.


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