Hello Community,
Is Accounts and Contact Sections are inbuilt?
if not how can we modify the colour ,font and keeping placeholder
Hoping for a quick reply.
plz find the attachment
Yes, you are right. Accounts and Contacts are in-built OOTB sections. Сhange of page design is possible, but not with system UI tools. A developer's help will be needed.
Do modify page design, you will need to make changes in css-styles. Most if css-styles in bpm'online 7.3 and above versions are placed in a separate module - CommonCSSV2. This module contains nothing apart from styles, so it is easy to replace it in order to change any of the basic styles.
If you have more questions on this topic please, don't hesitate to ask.
Here is an example of changing text on the page:
1) Create a new module. Add css style to the Less tab. It is recommended to use the following structure:
body[OldUI=false][CustomUI="true"] { .control-width-15 .t-label { color: #7FFF00; } }
See screenshot http://prntscr.com/lckdai
2) Create the necessary replacement page using the "Substitute client module" item. For example, you need to replace the BasePageV2 module. Add a module from the first step to define the replacement page.
Override the init () method and call the setAttributeToBody () method to add your style to the body.
define("BasePageV2", ["css!UsrBasePageV2CSS"], function() { return { messages: {}, mixins: {}, attributes: {}, methods: { init: function() { this.callParent(arguments); this.initializeCustomCss(); }, initializeCustomCss: function() { Terrasoft.utils.dom.setAttributeToBody("CustomUI", true); } }, diff: /**SCHEMA_DIFF*/[]/**SCHEMA_DIFF*/ }; });
See screenshot http://prntscr.com/lckeo3
3) Refresh the page and see the result http://prntscr.com/lckey2
Best regards,