How to send email from script task from portal? I am using
Script task code
var emailClientFactory = ClassFactory.Get<EmailClientFactory>(new ConstructorArgument("userConnection", UserConnection)); var activityEmailSender = new ActivityEmailSender(emailClientFactory, UserConnection); activityEmailSender.Send(AddDataUserTask1.RecordId);
And i get errors on sending. I've already added Terrasoft.Core.Factories, Terrasoft.Mail.Sender, Terrasoft.Mail namespaces to my process.
1. Create a shared mailbox and allow access to it for portal users
2. Open access to following objects for portal users:
- Activity
- ActivityStatus
- ActivityParticipant
- ActivityType
- ActivityCategory
- ActivityParticipantRole
- MailboxSyncSettings
- MailServerType
- MailServer
- EmailTemplate
- EmailMessageData
- EmailSendStatus
- EmailType
3. Allow access for portal users for SysSetting with code IgnoreExchangeSSLWarnings and make sure it is NOT cached