The notification of cases submitted within our SLA times but outside of our standard work hours (9-5pm EST and Canadian Holidays) are not coming.
To date I still do not receive any notifications of Cases coming in between the hours of 7-9am EST and 5-7pm EST. I believe the intent was to create an after hours support group which consisted of myself and trigger email notification of cases that came in during that time. Please advise.
The business-process "HFX Run process: Send email to Off-hours support" is working as it should be and it ends successfully. But the default business-process ends up with error due to the fact that it tries to use the first email in case and cannot find the email since the case cannot be found. This is happening because of transferring the CaseId to sub-process from one starting signal, but not from the other one.
Here you have 2 starting signals:
And here is the CaseId parameter that is transferred to the sub-process:
Hence when the business-process "HFX Run process: Send email to Off-hours support" is launched from the second signal (modifying the case) the email will not be sent. Business-process should be adjusted so the ID could be transferred to parameter not from the starting signals.