oData webservice returns 500 internal server error

I'm creating an integration to bpm online. So far I have the authentication working! 

I received the cookies and added them to the get request. But I receive a 500 internal server error. This is the url I'm calling:


When I look at the response in webview I see the following:

We guarantee your confidentiality and anonymity.

Date: 5/19/2017 4:00:40 PM
Date (UTC): 5/19/2017 1:00:40 PM
SessionID: vfakqfdo0pu5kiq4hhfqlzgx

Is there anyone who had the same problem, or can see what I'm doing wrong. 

I've added a fiddler screenshot of the request in the attachments.


File attachments



Dear Stefanie,

The issue is connected to the URL you are using to obtain the data. You are missing the configuration indication. Please see the modified URL below, I have added "0" before ServiceModel.


Feel free to use this URL and proceed with your work and system functionality.

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