Agent desktop support cloud contact center

Hi All,


Got question from one of our prospect, a call center provider, does agent desktop module support the cloud contact center concept ?  They would like their call center agent to be able to 'work' not only from the traditional office, but also from home (for example)

if yes.. pls kindly explain how,



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Hi John,

Basic functionality of BPMonline Agent Desktop does not support the cloud center concept. However, it may be considered in terms of the specific customer project.

Hi Olly,

Could u explain more on HOW it could be considered ?  do u mean that it need heavy customisation? Kindly advise


Hi John,

Yes, it will require deep system customization.

Yes John. BPMonline Agent Desktop comes as SaaS or On premise. When you select and choose the best call-centre software, BPMonline Agent Desktop will then integrate with that call centre during the project implementation. 

Hi John,

Yes - we support Cloud Contact Centre Concept.

BPMonline can be integrated with cloud base telephony.

For instance we have seamless integration wiith this cloud service -

Hope this helps




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