
Display publish errors for SourceCodeSchema differently

in 7.17, when you publish a SourceCodeSchema, any compile errors will display in a popup message. The issue with this is that you have no way to look at the code in question without closing the message. Once you've closed it, you have no way to refer back to what the error(s) were unless you publish again just to see the errors again.

Additionally, another issue is that if you accidentally click outside of the error dialog, the dialog closes. This happens frequently since I'll often go to another app while it is compiling and once I notice it is done I click back to the browser window which closes the dialog and I don't get to see the errors.


My suggestion is to display any compile errors in a collapsible panel at the bottom so I can scroll and look at the code referenced in the error messages, instead of displaying them in a popup message.

Thank you.


Hello Ryan, 


Thank you for your idea!


I have registered the task for our R&D team to review the basic process of displaying compilation errors to make it more user-friendly.


Best regards, 


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