The profile completion in accounts displays incorrectly (thousands instead of %). As a solution, we were recommended resaving each record (which indeed helps), but we have more than 5000 accounts – resaving is not a good option for us.
The record is updated upon opening the page as a result of calling the GetRecordCompleteness() method of the CompletenessService service.
You can get all records for the further processing from the browser console. For this, execute:
var esq = Ext.create("Terrasoft.EntitySchemaQuery", {rootSchemaName: "Account"}); esq.addColumn("Id"); esq.getEntityCollection(function(result) { var items = null; if (result.success) { items = result.collection; document.testResult = items; console.log("testResult added"); } }, this);
After this, call the service method for every record (it will take some time).
document.iter = 0; document.myLoop = function() { var item = document.testResult.collection.items[document.iter]; setTimeout(function () { // --------- console.log(item.values.Id); var config = { recordId: item.values.Id, schemaName: "Account" }; require(["ServiceHelper"], function(ServiceHelper) { ServiceHelper.callService("CompletenessService", "GetRecordCompleteness", function(response) { }, config, this); }); // --------- document.iter++; if (document.iter < document.testResult.collection.items.length) { document.myLoop(); } }, 1000) }; document.myLoop();