There are default section filters available in all sections. But customisation can be done to include other filters also. For example, adding 'Status' field as default filter in orders section.
You can also set default value for the status filter so that only orders with that status will list in the grid.
We have created a blog where step by step explanation on how to create custom section filters in orders section for 'status' field is given
Hi Sriraksha, Nice post, I was looking for something like this and am implementing it at a customer. I have 2 questions that maybe you can help:
1) where is the documentation for the " initFixedFiltersConfig" method? where can I find all parameteres that are accepted by the method? I tried to find it here https://academy.bpmonline.com/api/jscoreapi/7.12.0/index.html but without success.
2) I actually need the filter to return a subset of a columnfor the values available to be chosen. Something like this:
columnName: “Owner”,
"OwnerIsAproved" == true
Do you know how I could achieve this?
Thanks in advance,
Luis Tinoco Azevedo,
1) There is no documentation regarding the initFixedFiltersConfig method due to the fact that the method is in the configuration. Please use Ctrl+Shift+F in a browser developers console and you'll find it. Please read the code and you'll find all the information about the method.
The jscoreapi documentation describes only core methods that you can find neither in the configuration nor in the browser. The methods are in all-combined.js.
2) If you need complex filters it's much easier to use dynamic folders. You can configure them according to your needs and save them.
Hi Eugene,
Thanks for the feedback.
1) It's clearer now why it does not show on the jscoreapi.
2) I understand the dynamic folders sugestion, I have 2 comments , that has made us look for another solution:
a) Dynamic fitlers are easy for me to setup but are not very intuitive for some end users
b) In this specific case we need to have dinamic filters for the combination of 2 variables: "Empresa Rangel"(a subset of Account's that has made post the question on how to get this subset) and "tipo de sinistro", and the filters need to work in such a way that I need to quickly change between all combinations of these 2 variables. If I create all of the necessary combinations I'll have to create 45 advanced filter folders which is not very practical.
The implementation so far is almost has I need it to work with 2 extra filters:
I just need that the filter on the account returns only the accounts that match a true boolean ("empresa Rangel" == true) in the account section.
Any help on how I could achive this?
Thanks in advance
In order to achieve the goal please add a checkbox and a method that will check the checkboxes' state each time it's changed. Please find an example in the case section. There is a checkbox called "Show closed cases" that does the mentioned functionality.
Bhumika Bisht,
Using initFixedFiltersConfig method I am not sure if it's possible, however there is such filtration in the Product catalogue where you can input product name and only products with the needed name will be shown. What should be studied is the logic behind QuickSearchModule module in the ProductSelectionSchema. I was able to replicate it in the Orders section:
and (for example searching for ORD-4):
Pay attention to getQuickSearchFilterConfig, onQuickSearchFilterUpdate, handleFilterForGridDataView and _clearGridData methods there, properly override the loadGridData method, specify UpdateQuickSearchFilter and QuickSearchFilterInfo messages and you should be able to get the same result.