The object must have displayed value.
1. Run script in dev environment to create [glb_RegisterSection] stored procedure
glb_RegisterSection stored procedure
CREATE OR ALTER PROC [glb_RegisterSection] ( @EntityName NVARCHAR(100), @SectionCaption NVARCHAR(100), @SectionPageName NVARCHAR(100), @EditPageName NVARCHAR(100) ) AS BEGIN TRANSACTION; SET NOCOUNT ON; SET TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL READ UNCOMMITTED; SET XACT_ABORT ON; BEGIN TRY IF @EntityName = '' THROW 50001, 'Parameter @EntityName is empty', 1; IF @SectionCaption = '' THROW 50001, 'Parameter @SectionCaption is empty', 1; DECLARE @SysModuleId UNIQUEIDENTIFIER = NEWID(); DECLARE @SysModuleEditId UNIQUEIDENTIFIER = NEWID(); DECLARE @SysModuleEntityId UNIQUEIDENTIFIER = NEWID(); DECLARE @SysEntitySchemaUId UNIQUEIDENTIFIER; DECLARE @SectionSchemaUId UNIQUEIDENTIFIER; DECLARE @CardSchemaUId UNIQUEIDENTIFIER; DECLARE @ActionKindName NVARCHAR(250); DECLARE @PageCaption NVARCHAR(250); SELECT TOP 1 @SysEntitySchemaUId = UId, @ActionKindName = Caption FROM SysSchema WHERE Name = @EntityName AND ExtendParent = 0; SELECT TOP 1 @SectionSchemaUId = UId FROM SysSchema WHERE Name = @SectionPageName AND ExtendParent = 0; SELECT TOP 1 @CardSchemaUId = UId, @PageCaption = Caption FROM SysSchema WHERE Name = @EditPageName AND ExtendParent = 0; IF @SysEntitySchemaUId IS NULL THROW 50002, 'Entity not found. Check @EntityName input parameter.', 1; IF @SectionSchemaUId IS NULL THROW 50002, 'Section page not found. Check @SectionPageName input parameter.', 1; IF @CardSchemaUId IS NULL THROW 50002, 'Edit page not found. Check @EditPageName input parameter.', 1; INSERT INTO SysModuleEntity ( Id, SysEntitySchemaUId) VALUES ( @SysModuleEntityId, @SysEntitySchemaUId ); INSERT INTO SysModuleEdit ( Id, SysModuleEntityId, CardSchemaUId, UseModuleDetails, ActionKindCaption, ActionKindName, PageCaption) VALUES ( @SysModuleEditId, @SysModuleEntityId, @CardSchemaUId, 1, 'New', @ActionKindName, @PageCaption ); INSERT INTO SysModule ( Id, Caption, Code, SectionSchemaUId, SysModuleEntityId, CardSchemaUId, FolderModeId, SectionModuleSchemaUId, CardModuleUId, Image32Id) VALUES ( @SysModuleId, @SectionCaption, @EntityName, @SectionSchemaUId, @SysModuleEntityId, @CardSchemaUId, 'B659D704-3955-E011-981F-00155D043204', 'DF58589E-26A6-44D1-B8D4-EDF1734D02B4', '4E1670DC-10DB-4217-929A-669F906E5D75', '026742D9-390C-4778-BC46-9FA85C42677A' ); SELECT @SysModuleId AS SysModule, @SysModuleEntityId AS SysModuleEntity, @SysModuleEditId AS SysModuleEdit; COMMIT TRANSACTION; END TRY BEGIN CATCH SELECT ERROR_NUMBER() AS ErrorNumber, ERROR_MESSAGE() AS ErrorMessage; IF @@TRANCOUNT > 0 ROLLBACK TRANSACTION; END CATCH; IF @@TRANCOUNT > 0 ROLLBACK TRANSACTION;
2. Create section and edit pages (if not exist)
Create Section page (parent BaseSectionV2)
define("UsrEntitySectionV2", [], function() { return { entitySchemaName: "UsrEntity", messages: {}, mixins: {}, attributes: {}, methods: {}, diff: /**SCHEMA_DIFF*/[]/**SCHEMA_DIFF*/ }; });
Create Edit page (parent BaseModulePageV2)
define("UsrEntityPageV2", [], function() { return { entitySchemaName: "UsrEntity", messages: {}, mixins: {}, attributes: {}, methods: {}, details: /**SCHEMA_DETAILS*/{}/**SCHEMA_DETAILS*/, diff: /**SCHEMA_DIFF*/[]/**SCHEMA_DIFF*/ }; });
3. Execute a stored procedure in dev environment to register section.
Stored procedure [glb_RegisterSection] takes such arguments: EntityName, SectionCaption, SectionPageName, EditPageName.
exec dbo.[glb_RegisterSection] 'UsrEntity', 'My entities', 'UsrEntitySectionV2', 'UsrEntityPageV2'
4. Bind new data to a package with a filter by IDs from output for the following system tables:
- SysModuleEntity
- SysModule
- SysModuleEdit
Standard list of objects
EntityName, EntityName + "Folder", EntityName + "File", EntityName + "InFolder", EntityName + "Tag", EntityName + "InTag"
You can use this instruction to create a new section for the object.
Some details:
When you create edit page and section page you should choose that options instead of module
Also, it`s necessary to create a backup of the database before adding the section because it`s pretty difficult operation that can cause issues.
Please note, that created section and edit page should not contain the prefix because objects that you specified are system ones. You can simply temporarily remove it from the system setting "Prefix for object name".
And also it necessary to clear redis, relogin and compile the system after section was added.
Best regards,
Do you know if it is possible to also add section folders when using this method? I've used the above to cover an object created as a detail to a full section, but not sure how to add & relate the EntityFolder and EntityInFolder objects so I can create folders in the section. Is this possible?
For anyone else that comes across this, to add folders, all you need to do is add a new object named EntityName + "Folder" that inherits from BaseFolder as well as Entity + "InFolder" that inherits from BaseItemInFolder (and also add a lookup property to your custom entity as well as change the lookup for the virtual Folder property of the inherited properties). The code above already specifies the correct FolderModeId so once you add the object, log out and back in again, then you'll have folders for the entity.
There is a failed case in this script. When an object has already been added in a Detail, it will duplicate SysModuleEntity, and the new edit page won't be used. System always uses the first page created. Therefore the detail edit page and the section edit page will always be the same. I updated the script a little bit to check if the SysModuleEntity and SysModuleEdit are created.
CREATE OR ALTER PROC [glb_RegisterSection] ( @EntityName NVARCHAR(100), @SectionCaption NVARCHAR(100), @SectionPageName NVARCHAR(100), @EditPageName NVARCHAR(100) ) AS BEGIN TRANSACTION; SET NOCOUNT ON; SET TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL READ UNCOMMITTED; SET XACT_ABORT ON; BEGIN TRY IF @EntityName = '' THROW 50001, 'Parameter @EntityName is empty', 1; IF @SectionCaption = '' THROW 50001, 'Parameter @SectionCaption is empty', 1; DECLARE @SysModuleId UNIQUEIDENTIFIER = NEWID(); DECLARE @SysModuleEditId UNIQUEIDENTIFIER; DECLARE @SysModuleEntityId UNIQUEIDENTIFIER; DECLARE @SysEntitySchemaUId UNIQUEIDENTIFIER; DECLARE @SectionSchemaUId UNIQUEIDENTIFIER; DECLARE @CardSchemaUId UNIQUEIDENTIFIER; DECLARE @ActionKindName NVARCHAR(250); DECLARE @PageCaption NVARCHAR(250); SELECT TOP 1 @SysEntitySchemaUId = UId, @ActionKindName = Caption FROM SysSchema WHERE Name = @EntityName AND ExtendParent = 0; SELECT TOP 1 @SectionSchemaUId = UId FROM SysSchema WHERE Name = @SectionPageName AND ExtendParent = 0; SELECT TOP 1 @CardSchemaUId = UId, @PageCaption = Caption FROM SysSchema WHERE Name = @EditPageName AND ExtendParent = 0; IF @SysEntitySchemaUId IS NULL THROW 50002, 'Entity not found. Check @EntityName input parameter.', 1; IF @SectionSchemaUId IS NULL THROW 50002, 'Section page not found. Check @SectionPageName input parameter.', 1; IF @CardSchemaUId IS NULL THROW 50002, 'Edit page not found. Check @EditPageName input parameter.', 1; Select TOP 1 @SysModuleEntityId = Id From SysModuleEntity Where SysEntitySchemaUId = @SysEntitySchemaUId if (@SysModuleEntityId IS NULL) BEGIN SELECT @SysModuleEntityId = NEWID() INSERT INTO SysModuleEntity ( Id, SysEntitySchemaUId) VALUES ( @SysModuleEntityId, @SysEntitySchemaUId ); END Select TOP 1 @SysModuleEditId = Id From SysModuleEdit Where SysModuleEntityId = @SysModuleEntityId IF @SysModuleEditId IS NULL BEGIN SELECT @SysModuleEditId = NEWID() INSERT INTO SysModuleEdit ( Id, SysModuleEntityId, CardSchemaUId, UseModuleDetails, ActionKindCaption, ActionKindName, PageCaption) VALUES ( @SysModuleEditId, @SysModuleEntityId, @CardSchemaUId, 1, 'New', @ActionKindName, @PageCaption ); END INSERT INTO SysModule ( Id, Caption, Code, SectionSchemaUId, SysModuleEntityId, CardSchemaUId, FolderModeId, SectionModuleSchemaUId, CardModuleUId, Image32Id) VALUES ( @SysModuleId, @SectionCaption, @EntityName, @SectionSchemaUId, @SysModuleEntityId, @CardSchemaUId, -- 'B659D704-3955-E011-981F-00155D043204', -- Use multiple folder 'A24A734D-3955-E011-981F-00155D043204', -- Do not use folder 'DF58589E-26A6-44D1-B8D4-EDF1734D02B4', '4E1670DC-10DB-4217-929A-669F906E5D75', '026742D9-390C-4778-BC46-9FA85C42677A' ); SELECT @SysModuleId AS SysModule, @SysModuleEntityId AS SysModuleEntity, @SysModuleEditId AS SysModuleEdit; COMMIT TRANSACTION; END TRY BEGIN CATCH SELECT ERROR_NUMBER() AS ErrorNumber, ERROR_MESSAGE() AS ErrorMessage; IF @@TRANCOUNT > 0 ROLLBACK TRANSACTION; END CATCH; IF @@TRANCOUNT > 0 ROLLBACK TRANSACTION;
I followed the above steps . But there was no section created in any any of the workspace. Kindly suggest how to create new menu /section for the existing object.
Sriraksha KS,
Firstly, we highly do not recommend to create several sections per one object. Please note, that data will be duplicated in both sections, since they are referring to one object. You can create a new object in the system with the same range of columns and copy data from initial object to newly created.
Nevertheless, if you intend to add section manually, please take a look at following tables:
Does this still work for Freedom UI? Or is a new process required for achieving the same result now?
Harvey Adcock,
No, for Freedom UI sections, use the Freedom UI designer, which allows creation of sections for existing objects.