Configuring object access for a mobile device


Type: Terrasoft.ODataSecurityException% 0D% 0A Message: Not enough rights to change the record in the object "Activity"% 0D% 0A Additional information:% 0D% 0A% 09 {"error": {"code": "5", "message": {" lang ":" "," value ":" Not enough rights to change the record in the object \ "Activity \" "}," innererror ": {" message ":" Not enough rights to change the record in the object \ "Activity \" ", "type": "System.Security.SecurityException", "stacktrace": "in Terrasoft.Core.Entities.Entity.UpdateInDB (Boolean validateRequired) \ r \ n in Terrasoft.Core.Entities.Entity.Save (Boolean validateRequired) \ r \ n in Terrasoft.Core.Entities.Services.EntityLazyProxy.SaveChanges () \ r \ n in Terrasoft.Core.Entities.Services.ServiceContext.SaveChanges () \ r \ n in System.Data.Services.DataService`1. HandleNonBatchRequest (RequestDescription description) \ r \ n in System.Data.Services.DataService`1.H andleRequest ()"}}}%0D%0A% 0D%0A

Type: Terrasoft.ODataSecurityException% 0D% 0A Message: Not enough rights to change the record in the object" Activity "% 0D% 0A Additional Information:%0D%0A%09 {" error " : {"code": "5", "message": {"lang": "", "value": "Not enough rights to change the record in the object \" Activity \ ""}, "innererror": {"message" : "Not enough permissions to change the record in the \" Activity \ "", "type": "System.Security.SecurityException", "stacktrace": "in Terrasoft.Core.Entities.Entity.UpdateInDB (Boolean validateRequired) \ r \ n in Terrasoft.Core.Entities.Entity.Save (Boolean validateRequired) \ r \ n in Terrasoft.Core.Entities.Services.EntityLazyProxy.SaveChanges () \ r \ n in Terrasoft.Core.Entities.Services.ServiceContext.SaveChext ) \ r \ n in System.Data.Services.DataService`1.HandleNonBatchRequest (RequestDescription description) \ r \ n System.Data.Services.DataService`1.HandleRequest () "}}}%0D%0A%0D% 0A

Type: Terrasoft.ODataSecurityException% 0D% 0APost: Not enough permissions to change the record in the" Activity "% 0D% 0AAdditional information: % 0D% 0A% 09 {"error": {"code": "5", "message": {"lang": "", "value": "Not enough rights to change the record in the object \" Activity \ "" }, "innererror": {"message": "Not enough rights to change the record in the object \" Activity \ "", "type": "System.Security.SecurityException", "stacktrace": "in Terrasoft.Core.Entities. Entity.UpdateInDB (Boolean validateRequired) \ r \ n in Terrasoft.Core.Entities.Entity.Save (Boolean validateRequired) \ r \ n in Terrasoft.Core.Entities.Services.EntityLazyProxy.SaveChanges () \ r \ n in Terrasoft. Core.Entities.Services.ServiceContext.SaveChanges () \ r \ n in System.Data.Services.DataService`1.HandleNonBatchRequest (R equestDescription description) \ r \ n in System.Data.Services.DataService`1.HandleRequest ()"}}}% 0D%0A% 0D%0A


The access rights to the objects of the mobile application are not distributed and the organizational structure is not updated.


1. If the user has not been previously added to the configuration, then go to the “Configuration Management”, “Administration: Access to Objects” menu, detail “Access to default records: Change” and add a user/role;

2. Perform the action “Update the organizational structure”;

3. Distribute access rights to mobile application objects;

4. Re-sync from your mobile device.

Necessary conditions and possible restrictions

Access to the system under a user account with administrator rights.

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