Hello colleagues


We install https://marketplace.creatio.com/template/marketing-record-types-timeline today and after it get NOTHING on Timeline tab, please see at https://prnt.sc/vojm67


I uninstall the package and continue having no Timeline content, please your help. I also close the session, clear cache, but nothing, no Timeline ☹


How can I restore my Timeline content?


Thanks in advance

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Hi Julio,

I've not used that marketplace add-on, so only guessing, but since the UI isn't even loading on the timeline tab, I would assume there is an error occurring in the client-side code. If you open the browser dev tools is there an error that shows in the console or on the network tab? If so, that might help track down the issue.


Ryan Farley,

Thanks Ryan, yes it give an error. Also, I reported to Creatio support, because at this time I uninstall the add-on and continue having no Timeline. Here is the error I get on console

performanceLogger.js:346 GET https://nodos-cl.creatio.com/0/Nui/Terrasoft/EsqTimelineDataProvider.js?_dc=1606251564623 404
XMLHttpRequest.send @ performanceLogger.js:346
(anonymous) @ polyfills-es5.js?hash=bdb8b91ac2da4b9591ee94e2f0737aef:1
O.i.<computed> @ polyfills-es5.js?hash=bdb8b91ac2da4b9591ee94e2f0737aef:1
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(anonymous) @ _bundle_10.js?hash=bdb8b91ac2da4b9591ee94e2f0737aef:49
Terrasoft.each @ all-combined.js:36
_initDataProviders @ _bundle_10.js?hash=bdb8b91ac2da4b9591ee94e2f0737aef:49
init @ _bundle_10.js?hash=bdb8b91ac2da4b9591ee94e2f0737aef:49
initDataStorage @ _bundle_10.js?hash=bdb8b91ac2da4b9591ee94e2f0737aef:45
(anonymous) @ _bundle_10.js?hash=bdb8b91ac2da4b9591ee94e2f0737aef:45
e @ all-combined.js:41
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check @ require.js:883
enable @ require.js:1176
init @ require.js:788
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setTimeout (async)
req.nextTick @ require.js:1821
localRequire @ require.js:1455
requirejs @ require.js:1803
Terrasoft.require @ all-combined.js:41
requireDataProviders @ _bundle_10.js?hash=bdb8b91ac2da4b9591ee94e2f0737aef:45
e @ all-combined.js:41
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e @ all-combined.js:41
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e @ all-combined.js:41
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execCb @ require.js:1702
check @ require.js:883
enable @ require.js:1176
init @ require.js:788
(anonymous) @ require.js:1466
setTimeout (async)
req.nextTick @ require.js:1821
localRequire @ require.js:1455
requirejs @ require.js:1803
Terrasoft.require @ all-combined.js:41
initTimelineFiltersProfile @ _bundle_10.js?hash=bdb8b91ac2da4b9591ee94e2f0737aef:45
e @ all-combined.js:41
Terrasoft.chain @ all-combined.js:41
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callback @ all-combined.js:6
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e @ all-combined.js:41
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e @ all-combined.js:41
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callback @ all-combined.js:6
(anonymous) @ _bundle_0.js?hash=bdb8b91ac2da4b9591ee94e2f0737aef:41
(anonymous) @ all-combined.js:41
execCb @ require.js:1702
check @ require.js:883
enable @ require.js:1176
init @ require.js:788
(anonymous) @ require.js:1466
setTimeout (async)
req.nextTick @ require.js:1821
localRequire @ require.js:1455
requirejs @ require.js:1803
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requireProfile @ _bundle_0.js?hash=bdb8b91ac2da4b9591ee94e2f0737aef:41
initializeProfile @ _bundle_0.js?hash=bdb8b91ac2da4b9591ee94e2f0737aef:41
e @ all-combined.js:41
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enable @ require.js:1176
init @ require.js:788
(anonymous) @ require.js:1466
setTimeout (async)
req.nextTick @ require.js:1821
localRequire @ require.js:1455
requirejs @ require.js:1803
Terrasoft.require @ all-combined.js:41
getSchema @ _bundle_0.js?hash=bdb8b91ac2da4b9591ee94e2f0737aef:33
build @ _bundle_0.js?hash=bdb8b91ac2da4b9591ee94e2f0737aef:33
generateSchemaStructure @ _bundle_0.js?hash=bdb8b91ac2da4b9591ee94e2f0737aef:28
init @ _bundle_0.js?hash=bdb8b91ac2da4b9591ee94e2f0737aef:28
fn @ core-base.js:110
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check @ require.js:883
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setTimeout (async)
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fireEvent @ all-combined.js:6
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c @ all-combined.js:41
T @ all-combined.js:21
g @ all-combined.js:21
h @ all-combined.js:21
c.trigger @ all-combined.js:21
set @ all-combined.js:21
set @ all-combined.js:41
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set @ all-combined.js:41
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activeTabChange @ _bundle_7.js?hash=bdb8b91ac2da4b9591ee94e2f0737aef:5
callParent @ all-combined.js:6
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fire @ all-combined.js:6
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fireEventArgs @ all-combined.js:6
fireEvent @ all-combined.js:6
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k @ all-combined.js:6
value @ polyfills-es5.js?hash=bdb8b91ac2da4b9591ee94e2f0737aef:1
value @ polyfills-es5.js?hash=bdb8b91ac2da4b9591ee94e2f0737aef:1
value @ polyfills-es5.js?hash=bdb8b91ac2da4b9591ee94e2f0737aef:1
p @ polyfills-es5.js?hash=bdb8b91ac2da4b9591ee94e2f0737aef:1
h @ polyfills-es5.js?hash=bdb8b91ac2da4b9591ee94e2f0737aef:1
Show 53 more frames
VM4677:3 Uncaught TypeError: c is not a constructor
    at eval (eval at getInstantiator (all-combined.js:6), <anonymous>:3:8)
    at Object.instantiate (all-combined.js:6)
    at Object.create (all-combined.js:6)
    at i.<anonymous> (_bundle_10.js?hash=bdb8b91ac2da4b9591ee94e2f0737aef:49)
    at Object.Terrasoft.each (all-combined.js:36)
    at i._initDataProviders (_bundle_10.js?hash=bdb8b91ac2da4b9591ee94e2f0737aef:49)
    at init (_bundle_10.js?hash=bdb8b91ac2da4b9591ee94e2f0737aef:49)
    at initDataStorage (_bundle_10.js?hash=bdb8b91ac2da4b9591ee94e2f0737aef:45)
    at i.<anonymous> (_bundle_10.js?hash=bdb8b91ac2da4b9591ee94e2f0737aef:45)
    at e (all-combined.js:41)


Hi Julio,

Did you tweak any other settings in Timeline (such as adding info about other Creatio objects)? Or did any errors occur when compiling Creatio?

I have reproduced your case, but Timeline has been successfully restored after uninstalling the package. That's why we need more information to investigate this error.

I have forwarded your initial issue with Timeline to the responsible team.

Sorry for the inconvenience. 

Alexander Demidov,

Hi Alex,


I made a simple video of what's happening with the Marketing Timeline app from Marketplace, please see at https://share.vidyard.com/watch/JfP8dVHLKVEyXDrHcyWXq2? 

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Dear mates,

I would like to modifiy our timelines on differents pages.

I try to follow the guide: https://academy.creatio.com/documents/technic-sdk/7-13/timeline-tab

But i can not access the database to do the modifications.

How can we have an access to the database ?



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Hello Nicolas,


This method is only good for the development environments deployed on-site. Since the modifications are implemented directly in the database, they are not bound to any package. That is why the modifications will not be implemented in the database if the package with the view models and the tile view models is installed into another application. For the correct transfer of the developed functions, you need to bind the SQL-scripts that implement the corresponding modifications in the database when installing the package.


Best regards, 


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Hi Community,

In Case I have created a custom BP that sends email to some of the CRM users. Now since this is a custom Email, it is now showing in Timeline Tab, how can I configure my custom Email so that it will show in Timeline. 


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Dear Fulgen,

If email is sent automatically via business process it will not create activity. You can either send it manually or use script task to send email and create activity. 

Best regards,


Angela Reyes,


Thanks Angela,

Then how I can show it on Case Timeline?

Fulgen Ninofranco,

It will appear in timeline when it is connected to the record. To connect email to record it must be created firs. You can use Send email to case assignee as an example to examine how activities are created and connected to records via script task. 

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Hi all,

Would it be possible to set the timeline to be updated with working notes ?


I would add a Working note field to the Case and then when saving the case the notes will go to the timeline. I am using a cloud version.

Thanks for your advice.

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Dear Lehmann,

There are no basic tools to add more fields or other entities into the timeline tab. It can only be done with the development tools. 

Please refer to these articles which describe how to create a custom Timeline tabs in different sections. Please refer to them when developing the new, custom timeline tab with the custom fields



Best regards,


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Is it possible to enable Timeline for the Portal Users' Case Page?

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Dear Mitch,

There are no basic tools to add the timeline tab through the section wizard. The same relates to the portal case page. You will need to involve the development process to add the timeline tab to any page in the system but as for portal, there is no much reason to add it since this detail has multiple connections to other entities in the system. Apart from that, the portal users might not have the access rights those entities. 

Could you please let us know what is your business task?

Thank you beforehand.


Thank you Dean. If it requires custom development, I don't think we would want to implement. We were just checking to see if there was a standard and simple solution. 

We enjoy the timeline tab for internal cases, we like how you can filter by date and by type of activity on the timeline. We thought it would be beneficial for our portal users to have this function if it was an option so they could put time filters on the entities that they have access to.

Thanks for your response, my question has been answered. 

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We need to track tasks that we perform for each account.  we are doing some manually through tasks,  now we are doing some via automation - we still need to record them so they show in the TimeLine - BTW, the timeline feature is great!

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Dear Brian,

If you want to add the activities by the business process without completing them manually, then you can use Add data element: https://academy.bpmonline.com/documents/technic-bpms/7-12/add-data-process-element#XREF_27515

This element can add one record or a selection in the background mode. And you can set up the status to be completed: 

Best regards,


Lily Johnson,

Thanks, this worked... but to note for others I added several more fields to fill out the activity for it to show up and record what I wanted.

I wanted the nice activity notification to appear like it does for a Task so I also went a step further.  I left the Activity.Status field as "Not Started", added on a 2 sec timer and then closed the Activity by setting the Activity.Status = Completed.  This gives the user a notification letting them know when the process is completed, records the activity and closes the process automatically.  I do this added work for notification because the process varies in time, but the user needs to get a note while their waiting.

Brian Morgan,

In case you need to notify a user, please think of the extending the process or create a new one like it is discussed in this topic: 


Best regards,


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