How to replicate timeline for custom section

Hello community,


I am trying to bring timeline for custom section. I have created a record in TimelinePageSettings table. To update the data i used the below script. So when i am using the full json ,timeline tab is not showing on the UI. When i am using the json with only SocialMessage it is working properly for messages. I have checked appending Id to reference column name but it didnt work .  I might be missing a step , please help me out.



UPDATE TimelinePageSetting

SET Data = CONVERT(varbinary, '[


    "entityConfigKey": "706f803d-6a30-4bcd-88e8-36a0e722ea41",

    "entitySchemaName": "Activity",

    "referenceColumnName": "UsrCreditCheck",

    "masterRecordColumnName": "Id"



    "entityConfigKey": "09a70391-b767-40ab-97b8-6d1b538adbe6",

    "entitySchemaName": "Activity",

    "typeColumnName": "Type",

    "typeColumnValue": "e2831dec-cfc0-df11-b00f-001d60e938c6",

    "referenceColumnName": "UsrCreditCheck",

    "masterRecordColumnName": "Id"



    "entityConfigKey": "35b5c45f-36e7-450f-a282-81c56624d29e",

    "entitySchemaName": "SocialMessage",

    "referenceColumnName": "EntityId",

    "masterRecordColumnName": "Id"



    "entityConfigKey": "aeca6df0-5c89-4066-bdfa-eff486ae8fed",

    "entitySchemaName": "Call",

    "referenceColumnName": "UsrCreditCheck",

    "masterRecordColumnName": "Id"



    "entityConfigKey": "59de07a7-28dd-4dc9-a106-a07cb9981423",

    "entitySchemaName": "UsrCreditCheckFile",

    "typeColumnName": "Type",

    "typeColumnValue": "529bc2f8-0ee0-df11-971b-001d60e938c6",

    "referenceColumnName": "UsrCreditCheck",

    "masterRecordColumnName": "Id"




    "entityConfigKey": "09a6dad5-036b-4075-a813-e8278a5360ea",

    "referenceColumnName": "UsrCreditCheck",

    "typeColumnName": "Type",

    "typeColumnValue": "539bc2f8-0ee0-df11-971b-001d60e938c6",

    "entitySchemaName": "UsrCreditCheckFile",

    "masterRecordColumnName": "Id"



    "entityConfigKey": "a5900576-dca5-4d82-aed3-91c8909a3028",

    "entitySchemaName": "Document",

    "referenceColumnName": "UsrCreditCheck",

    "masterRecordColumnName": "Id"



WHERE Id = 'D15FD665-AAD3-4AC7-8F1A-54DC5342E616';


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You need to create a custom item view module based on the Contact object and add it to the Leads section. Please use this article as a reference where the same task is described using a custom "Books" section added as timeline item to the "Accounts" section.

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