I'm not aware of anything you can add in the column properties to make it not clickable, but it's possible that there's something available (hard to know and it's not mentioned in the List properties).
Would it work to just expand the Lookup column to map the display value column directly to the list? Also, if you never want it a clickable link you can remove the default page for the object (if that is something that would work for your scenario - obviously won't work for OOTB entities)
I'm not aware of anything you can add in the column properties to make it not clickable, but it's possible that there's something available (hard to know and it's not mentioned in the List properties).
Would it work to just expand the Lookup column to map the display value column directly to the list? Also, if you never want it a clickable link you can remove the default page for the object (if that is something that would work for your scenario - obviously won't work for OOTB entities)
Thanks Ryan, I created another field and when create a new record using a process copy the Name column value to this column and in the detail show this another... is not the very best, but works :-)
We thought on overriding the logic of the crt.DownloadEntityFileRequest request, but the handler doesn't trigger upon clicking the file. I will ask our R&D team to make it possible to control the download of files out-of-the-box and do it in the nearest releases.
Thank you for the swift response. Since overriding is not possible as of now, is there any way to disable the link? Something similar to the Classic UI diff value "showValueAsLink" : false?