Hi Guys,


I have a customer who had the map widget for Creatio installed.

They uninstalled it and re-installed the application, but now, when creating a dashboard, they do no longer have the map option.


The installation did not give any error messages.

The environment has been compiled.


Customer has Dutch (NL) environment, it all worked before they've uninstalled it and re-installed it.


Anything I can try?


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Looks like it was the Playbook that broke this, since it also creates a BootstrapModulesV2. As a workaround to get this to work, for now, you can create a new replacing view module for BootstrapModulesV2 (in Custom package, or any package that is further down in the dependencies than Playbook and the BpmCharts packages) with the following code added (*this adds what is in the maps package as well as what is in the Playbook package)

define("BootstrapModulesV2", ["DashboardMapEnums", "DashboardDesignerViewModelOverride", "PlaybookMiniPageContainerViewModel"], function() {
	return {};

Then maps and Playbook will both work. However, it would be great for Playbook to change and no longer use a BootstrapModulesV2 override if possible.


Hi Davey,

Please specify the Creatio product and version so that we can reproduce the issue. 

Alexander Demidov,

Hi Aleksandr,

Thank you for looking into this.


Sales Creatio Team edition



To be clear, it worked, got un-installed, re-installed and stopped working.

Hello Davey,



The add-on uses the 'BootstrapModulesV2' module. Another base replacement of this module was added in versions 7.18.1 and later.


I have forwarded the issue to the relevant team for further review. I will keep you updated. 

Ivan Leontiev,

Any update or work arounds for this to work in current Creatio versions? 



Looks like it was the Playbook that broke this, since it also creates a BootstrapModulesV2. As a workaround to get this to work, for now, you can create a new replacing view module for BootstrapModulesV2 (in Custom package, or any package that is further down in the dependencies than Playbook and the BpmCharts packages) with the following code added (*this adds what is in the maps package as well as what is in the Playbook package)

define("BootstrapModulesV2", ["DashboardMapEnums", "DashboardDesignerViewModelOverride", "PlaybookMiniPageContainerViewModel"], function() {
	return {};

Then maps and Playbook will both work. However, it would be great for Playbook to change and no longer use a BootstrapModulesV2 override if possible.


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