Is it possible to export an existing database schema into a creatio datamodel? Or from an ERD Data export?


I use lucidchart to create a model of my database, it has export functions for MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQL Server, Oracle SQL and a similar platform as creatio, Quickbase. 


Does creatio support such an import wizard?

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Hello Pascal,


unfortunately this is not quite possible.

The thing is that you can export the DB in such way, but you will not have any objects in the system.

So we would recommend sticking to the standard way. Also, we will register this option as a wish for the dev team to implement it in the future.




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Hello community!

We have a client with a legacy application which is used by 500 odd users. Creatio is to replace this legacy app and the client would like all 500 users to be migrated into Creatio - including their passwords - thereby not forcing users to reset/set new passwords on Creatio. The migration will happen via SQL scripts which will directly write to Creatio's DB. 


1. How can I directly modify/add a user's PW via SQL???

2. Can I programatically modify a user's PW? I notice that the default change PW feature calls the AdministrationService/ValidatePassword and AdministrationService/UpdateOrCreateUser?? If I replicate this via C#, I should be able to change the password programmatically. Request you to confirm. 


P.S I am aware that the passwords of System users are stored in the SysAdminUnit table but they are hashed.

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Best reply

Best option would be to import the users using the Excel import. You can include a password in the Excel file, but you just can't name the column "Password" or it won't let you continue as the screen locks up if the Excel file contains a column named password (we usually just name the column PW). See more here:…


Of course, once they are imported, you can update the users/contacts and add/remove roles as needed via SQL or OData, etc.




As for now, there is no option to change or view passwords via code. You can import users with passwords via Excel import tool. If you add password column it will be imported as it is specified in the file. 


Best regards,


Best option would be to import the users using the Excel import. You can include a password in the Excel file, but you just can't name the column "Password" or it won't let you continue as the screen locks up if the Excel file contains a column named password (we usually just name the column PW). See more here:…


Of course, once they are imported, you can update the users/contacts and add/remove roles as needed via SQL or OData, etc.


Angela Reyes, @Ryan Farley

Hi Angela. We understand that the Excel import is one way to go about this. Nevertheless, we want to understand how the password is hashed and stored in the DB. 

Can you shed some light on what hashing/salting/encryption is used to convert the raw password to the hashed form? There will be some cases where a manual excel import is not feasible and passwords will have to be migrated Database to Database via SQL. This info will help us there.

M Shrikanth,

We are using SHA-256 + hashing with salt using Bcrypt to store passwords in DB.

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