It is possible to call function from page to the section? 

like include on php.

i'm already trying this, but doesn't work.

define("UsrNewLibrary1Page", ["UsrUsrBuku1Page"], function(UsrUsrBuku1Page) {

    return {

        entitySchemaName: "UsrNewLibrary",

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It will be easier to help you if you describe the task in general. Include from PHP works in bpm'online according to the require.js framework. Please find more information in the documentation by the link below.

If you need to call a section function from a page and vice versa, then it's better to use messages.

Eugene Podkovka,

Thanks mate!

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Hi Community,

Any Idea how can I achieve below scenario in Mobile Application.

If case status is "closed", when saving record i need to show pop up message if there is no attachment. 


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Dear Fulgen,

You can achieve such task using push notifications for mobile application. Such push notifications are created via business process and corresponding  “Send push notifications” element.

By status change signal on the Case object you read the quantity on attachments on the record, which triggered process and based on the result you show push notification.

Check the following article on step-by-step implementation:



Anastasia Botezat,

Hi Anastasia, Thanks for your reply

Currently in mobile, we enable the status field in case form. So user can select the status to closed. Now when saving case record on mobile and if status is 'Closed', I need to do some validation if there is attachment in 'CaseFile'. This logic is achievable in web using esq to check if there are records in 'CaseFile' and use 'asyncValidate' method for validation. Now in mobile how can i implement the same logic? 


Fulgen Ninofranco,

Please check the following example. There is a query to Contact section, where we select Name, Id, Account. This is the corresponding to ESQ mobile version.

var store = Ext.create('', {
    model: 'Contact'
var queryConfig = Ext.create('Terrasoft.QueryConfig', {
    columns: ['Name', 'Id', 'Account'],
    modelName: 'Contact'
store.loadPage(1, {
    queryConfig: queryConfig,
    filters: Ext.create('Terrasoft.Filter', {
        property: 'Name',
        value: 'test'
    callback: function(records, operation, success) {
        var loadedRecord = records[0];
        if (loadedRecord) {
            var contact = loadedRecord.get('Account');                                                                                                    
            if (contact) {                                                                                                                   
    scope: this



Anastasia Botezat,

Hi Anastasia, Thanks for your reply

From which OOB Schema this source code is added?

Fulgen Ninofranco,

Also, here is an example of how to write direct query to database:

// sql requry to DB
var sqlText = "select pf.Id as ProductFolderId from ProductFolder pf " +
    "where pf.FolderTypeId = '9dc5f6e6-2a61-4de8-a059-de30f4e74f24' and " +
    "exists(select pif.Id from ProductInFolder pif where pif.FolderId = pf.Id and exists(" +
    "select p.Id from Product p where p.Id = pif.ProductId and " +
    " p.Active = 1 and p.TypeId = 'f1795fc3-36cc-4771-9222-178b339eb9f2'))";
// variable to which results will be stored
var records = [];
// executing query to DB
    sqls: [sqlText],
    success: function(data) {
        if (data.length > 0) {
            var columnMap = {
                'ProductFolderId': 'Id'
            var queryConfig = Ext.create('Terrasoft.QueryConfig', {
                modelName: 'ProductFolder',
                columns: ['Id']
            var ids = data[0].rows;
            for (var i = 0, ln = ids.length; i < ln; i++) {
                var sqlData = ids.item(i);
                var record = Terrasoft.SqlDataToRecordConverter.convert(sqlData, queryConfig, columnMap);

You can check MobileCaseGridPageController, MobileActivityActionsUtilities schemas.



Anastasia Botezat,

Hi Anastasia, Thanks for your reply

For 'asyncvalidate' method in web. What is its counterpart in mobile? I want to execute this esq on click of save button. So I need the same functionality as asyncvalidate in web.

Fulgen Ninofranco,

Unfortunately, there is no exactly same functionality for mobile application. However, you can use business rules instead. I have prepared an example of RegExp validation, hope it suits your task:

Terrasoft.sdk.Model.addBusinessRule('Contact', {
    ruleType: Terrasoft.RuleTypes.RegExp,
    regExp : /^([0-9\(\)\/\+ \-]*)$/
    triggeredByColumns: ['HomeNumber', 'BusinessNumber']



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Hi Community,

Is it possible to do the reverse geocoding, we will move the pin on the map and based on that Address will auto populate. Currently it is working the opposite way.


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Dear Fulgen,

It cannot be done since it data is pulled from the OpenStreeMap service. For instance, if you zoom out, you will not be able to move the pin around the map or tick it by clicking on any country. That happens since you cannot do it in the service map view as well When on the map service website, you will have to select some particular country, city or address through the search bar, so that the pin could appear and then it can be moved around. Apart from that, a lot of the cities and addresses will not populate the application fields and you will have to fill the addresses table first for this purpose. That is why there is no possibility to tick the pin and populate the fields automatically. 

Best regards,


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Hi Community,

Is there available QR Code scanner sdk to be used for mobile application?


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Dear Fulgen,

Unfortunately it is not possible to use QR code scanner in the mobile application. Apart from that we do not have any examples of such implementation. We will register this idea for our R&D team for implementation in future application releases.

Best regards,


Dear Team,


Any update on QR code scanner to make available in the mobile app. we are waiting for these features.


Best regards,


Dear Prakash, 

This idea was accepted by the responsible R&D team but there is no ETA on when it will be implemented yet. 

I will add your comment to it's backlog so to increase the priority of the idea of adding this functionality in future. 

Kind regards,


Hello Akshay Patil,


Unfortunately, at the moment we still don't have the option to use QR code scanner in the mobile application. However, we already have this idea registered for more detailed consideration and implementation in future releases of the application.

Best regards,




Roman Brown writes:

Dear Prakash, 

This idea was accepted by the responsible R&D team but there is no ETA on when it will be implemented yet. 

I will add your comment to it's backlog so to increase the priority of the idea of adding this functionality in future. 

Kind regards,



Hello Roman Brown,


Is this feature finished? we are really looking forward to this feature..



Kind Regards,

Agus Sulistiawan


Agus Sulistiawan,


Unfortunately this feature is not available yet. However, I have attached your request to the registered idea to raise its priority.

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Hi Community,

Is it possible to put suggestions in a text field. Lets say when creating new lead in lead mini page, when entering account name, it will show suggestions of accounts from account object to avoid creating duplicate account in lead. 

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Dear Fulgen,

You can remove the default account field and replace with new account lookup field based on the object, so that you will have the list of the accounts to choose

Best regards,


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Hi Community!

I'm trying to create a lookup using Ext.create("Terrasoft.controls.LookupEdit" into a custom module.  I created the lookup but I need to bind it for example to contacts.

Does anyone have an example of how to do it?

Appreciate it!


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Please find the answer in the article by the link below:

Alina Kazmirchuk,

Thank you! Are the same attributes being that I directly create the control by Ext?


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Hi Community,

Any idea how we can import data from excel to "Forecast by Customer". Thanks



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Dear Fulgen,

Unfortunately, there is no functionality for data import of export in the forecasts section since it is based on multiple tables. Theoretically it might be possible to import the data into ForecastItemValue and ContactForecast however it is quite complicated to match all the data and map the columns correctly and we do not recommend doing that. We already had similar requests from different customers, therefore most likely this option will be available in the future application releases.

Best regards,


Thanks Dean,

What are the tables involved on this module? I am trying to insert data directly on the database.


The tables that are used in Forecast module are: Forecast, ForecastColumn, ForecastCoulmnType, ForecastDimension, ForecastIndicator, ForecastItem, ForecastitemValue, ForecastRow and ForecastSheet. And as Dean mentioned - it will be very difficult to map all data between these tables and unfortunately there is no documentation on this topic. If you need to do that - you need to explore all connections between those tables and only after that you can start data import.

Best regards,


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I want to create approval based on 2 role, first approval come from supervisor role, if supervisor approve it will be appear request approval on Manager role. I'm already create process library, but the problem is request approval come to both role directly in same times. 

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Dear Ahmad,

I tried to create similar process and approvals vere created one after another. I would recommend you to contact for detailed investigation of your process. 

Best regards,


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Hi Community,

Is it possible to use bpm online mobile application

(login and create case)

having only customer portal license  


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Dear Fulgen,

As for now there is no such functionality. The portal users cannot use the mobile application. Our R&D team has in plans to implement this feature in the future application versions, however we do not know when exactly.

Best regards,


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Hi Community,

I am able to to set up push notifications for mobile application users using the link below

But aside from push notification, our client also wants to show notification count on mobile app icon (like the image below). Any idea how we can achieve this?


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Dear Fulgen,

Unfortunately, this functionality can only be implemented with the help of additional development process. As for now we do not have any examples of such implementation. We will register this idea for R&D team to develop it in the future application releases.

Best regards,


Is there any ETA from R&D regarding this feature?


Hello Alex, 

The responsible R&D team has reviewed the idea registered previously by Dean.  

Unfortunately, this request is not added to their next few sprints so there is no ETA on when it will be implemented in Creatio. 

Kind regards,


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