Reverse Geocoding

Hi Community,

Is it possible to do the reverse geocoding, we will move the pin on the map and based on that Address will auto populate. Currently it is working the opposite way.


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Dear Fulgen,

It cannot be done since it data is pulled from the OpenStreeMap service. For instance, if you zoom out, you will not be able to move the pin around the map or tick it by clicking on any country. That happens since you cannot do it in the service map view as well When on the map service website, you will have to select some particular country, city or address through the search bar, so that the pin could appear and then it can be moved around. Apart from that, a lot of the cities and addresses will not populate the application fields and you will have to fill the addresses table first for this purpose. That is why there is no possibility to tick the pin and populate the fields automatically. 

Best regards,


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