Hi Community,
We need to set up the display columns for all portal users. However when we are saving the display column in Case Section for "all users" using our "Admin" user, it is not being applied to portal users. Any idea please?
Hello Fulgen,
Thank you for your question!
Unfortunately, due to the limitations of the portal base columns, it cannot be done by using regular tools that are available for system users. We already have a corresponding query registered for our R&D team to implement such functionality in the upcoming releases. I will assign this case to the project in order to increase its priority.
There is a workaround though:
1. In the main interface of the system (not in the portal interface), configure the display of columns as required and save. As a result, the information will be recorded in the user profile (table SysProfiledata).
2. Using the developer console in the browser, find the name of the detail you need in the main system and find the settings for it in SysProfileData in order to understand exactly what it is called in the profile settings table. In the same way, find the name of this detail on the portal (the "Portal" will be in the beginning).
3. Execute the SQL script (it will copy the settings you saved earlier into the default portal user settings):
update SysProfileData set ObjectData = (select top 1 ObjectData from SysProfileData where [Key] like 'the detail's name in the main system' and ContactId = 'Id of your contact in the system' order by ModifiedOn desc) where [Key] like 'the detail's name on the portal' and ContactId is null
4. Flush Redis -> flushall, refresh the browser page with clearing the cache (Empty Cache And Hard Reload).
Best regards,
Anastasiia Lazurenko,
Thanks Anastasiia
Do you know the key name of Case Section and Portal Case Section?
We make one 'Default' portal user. And setup all columns under it's login.
Then make a SQL script:
INSERT INTO "SysProfileData" ("SysUserId","ObjectId","Key","ObjectData", "ObjectDifference", "ContactId","SysCultureId")
SELECT "SysUserId","ObjectId","Key","ObjectData", "ObjectDifference", '_desired_Contact_id',"SysCultureId" FROM "SysProfileData"
WHERE "ContactId" ='_default_Contact_id'
AND ("Key" LIKE '%GridSettingsGridDataView'
OR "Key" LIKE '%Detail%')
(set _desired_Contact_id and _default_Contact_id with your Id's)
And start it for every new portal user
Probably, we should make Marketplace application for that :)
Kind regards,
This is not working with us ? have you figure out another fix for the columns in the portal profile section ?
Thank you